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How Inhaling of Essential Oils Affects Your Health

October 8, 2017

Essential oils has recently become a preferred method to naturally and effectively help not only with numerous health symptoms but also with air quality in a house.

Best way to impact the air quality in your house and is through a diffuser. Add just 10-15 drops to a distilled water inside a diffuser. As the molecules are dispersed they help with destroying mold microorganisms, fill the air with toxins free aromatic scent, increase atmospheric oxygen, ozone and negative ions that inhibit bacterial growth.

Another important function of essential oils is their role to improve sense of well being, sleep and congestion. The molecules from essential oils reach the hypothalamus, our emotional center of the brain thus affect our state of energy, stress and mood.

A systematic review of research into  essential oils’ effect on sleep, published in 2014 in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, reported the greatest number of findings for lavender.  An article published in 2012 in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine reported that inhaling a mixture of essential oils that contained mostly lavender the subjects’ blood pressure and their production of cortisol, a hormone produced in response to stress have decreased, thus making it easier to fall and stay asleep.

Essential oils such as peppermint, lemon and eucalyptus are perfect for unclogging of airways. They are amazing to use for allergies and cold congestions.

Last but not least, studies have also discovered that our sense of smell triggers feelings of satiety. As the hypothalamus in the brain controls feelings of hunger and fullness, certain essential molecules send the signal telling the brain that you are full faster than a signal sent from the stomach.

When it comes to purchase of essential oils, they should be 100% pure for the best effects. Recommended oils here are the highest quality developed through rigorous testing and application of 6S Process, an innovative approach during development ensuring safety, quality, effectiveness, concentration of key components and highest quality sourcing.